tibetan wool and silk rug
tibetan wool and silk rug tibetan wool and silk rug tibetan wool and silk rug tibetan wool and silk rug tibetan wool and silk rug tibetan wool and silk rug tibetan wool and silk rug tibetan wool and silk rug tibetan wool and silk rug tibetan wool and silk rug tibetan wool and silk rug tibetan wool and silk rug tibetan wool and silk rug tibetan wool and silk rug tibetan wool and silk rug tibetan wool and silk rug tibetan wool and silk rug

Fine Tibetan Elise Purple Wool/Silk Rug


Dimensions: 9'1" x 12'2"
Rug #: 40774

The Fine Tibetan Elise is made with Himalayan wool and pure silk in a high/low construction. The beauty speaks for itself. Kebabian’s has been importing rugs to North America longer than anyone else, and we have our reservations about many of the modern rugs made today. For rugs in this collection, however, we have none. The Ultimate Modern collection is outstanding, full stop. The designs and use of colors are unparalleled; only the highest quality materials are used. This design and color can be ordered in virtually any size. Custom colors are also easy to do.

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