Tibetan Oushak Rug
Tibetan Oushak Rug Tibetan Oushak Rug Tibetan Oushak Rug Tibetan Oushak Rug Tibetan Oushak Rug Tibetan Oushak Rug Tibetan Oushak Rug Tibetan Oushak Rug Tibetan Oushak Rug Tibetan Oushak Rug

Tibetan Oushak Green Wool Rug


Hand knotted in Nepal by local weavers using Himalayan wool. Gorgeous colors, soft wool.

Kebabian’s only imports the finest transitional Tibetan rugs, which are made using quality wool, silk and dyes. This classic, primitive design is easily available for customization in a variety of colors and sizes.

Every rug is photographed individually so that you know exactly what you’re getting! Yes, it’s a lot of work. Why do we do it? Because every rug is worth it!

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