mamluk wool and silk rug
mamluk wool and silk rug mamluk wool and silk rug mamluk wool and silk rug mamluk wool and silk rug mamluk wool and silk rug mamluk wool and silk rug mamluk wool and silk rug mamluk wool and silk rug mamluk wool and silk rug mamluk wool and silk rug mamluk wool and silk rug mamluk wool and silk rug mamluk wool and silk rug mamluk wool and silk rug mamluk wool and silk rug

Primrose Mamluk Beige Wool/Silk Rug



Kebabian’s Primrose Modern Collection features modern and transitional rugs hand knotted in all wool qualities and pure silk and wool qualities. The designs are simple yet sophisticated keeping the atmosphere current, chic and fresh. The Primrose Modern Collection has a full range of colors from whites, beiges and grays to blues and purples. Rugs in this collection are available for custom orders across all sizes.

Every rug is photographed individually so that you know exactly what you’re getting! Yes, it’s a lot of work. Why do we do it? Because every rug is worth it!

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