afshar wool rug
afshar wool rug afshar wool rug afshar wool rug afshar wool rug afshar wool rug

Isabell Stone Turkish Knot Handwoven Transitional Rug


Kebabian’s Turkish Knot Afshar rugs have a texture reminiscent of soft stonewashed textiles. The intriguing design, which can be traced to paneled ceilings, stone and ironwork of old, is given new life in this modern look and contemporary feel.

Hand knotted using the symmetrical Turkish knot, these rugs possess a texture distinct from most rugs produced today. The wool is handspun and dyed in one facility, allowing consistency from piece to piece for excellent sample matching. Creating contemporary rugs of lasting beauty is no easy task, but when achieved gives great dignity to the designers, weavers, and everyone involved in the value chain. We are very excited about this collection and proud to be producing it.

Every rug is photographed individually so that you know exactly what you’re getting! Yes, it’s a lot of work. Why do we do it? Because every rug is worth it!

PANTONE shades: We do our best to find the closest match to one or multiple colors in the rug. The shade card we choose may not always be the perfect one, but we do our best (it’s a lot of work)! At times we may show multiple shade cards so you can get a better sense of color. Finally, when photographing rugs from the same group (shipment, collection, SKU, etc.) we will often use one or two shade card(s) so that you can get a good sense of the coloration. Hope you enjoy viewing our beautiful rugs!

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