contemporary banana silk rug
contemporary banana silk rug contemporary banana silk rug contemporary banana silk rug contemporary banana silk rug contemporary banana silk rug contemporary banana silk rug

Designer Texture Banana Silk Galet White Quartz Rug



Our Designer Texture Banana Silk Galet rugs are incredibly soft and glamorous. These rugs sparkle off the floor and have a sophisticated look as you walk around the “light” and “dark” sides of the carpet. These rugs are knotted using banana silk which has been colored with high quality dyes. We have over 11 colors sampled, but custom colors are available upon request. We can provide fast lead times for hand knotted. For rug orders our manufacturer has a master counter for color matching.

Every rug is photographed individually so that you know exactly what you’re getting! Yes, it’s a lot of work. Why do we do it? Because every rug is worth it!

PANTONE shades: We do our best to find the closest match to one or multiple colors in the rug. The shade card we choose may not always be the perfect one, but we do our best (it’s a lot of work)! At times we may show multiple shade cards so you can get a better sense of color. Finally, when photographing rugs from the same group (shipment, collection, SKU, etc.) we will often use one or two shade card(s) so that you can get a good sense of the coloration. Hope you enjoy viewing our beautiful rugs!

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